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Glow Ready Flacial | Korean O2toDream

Glow Ready Facial | 韓國O2toDerm

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功效 採用100% Made in 🇰🇷 O2toderm專屬產品, 配合高氧太空面罩產生波爾效應, 令皮膚無痛, 無修復期, 瞬間增亮美白. 其原理是使用電子壓縮分離技術, 生成高濃度純氧及300萬氧氣負離子, 針對皮膚進行氧療, 減少活性氧(ROS, 改善皮膚呼吸, 修復細胞因子, 令肌膚回復活力, 增強免疫力 Advantage Utilizes 100% made in 🇰🇷 O2toderm exclusive products and high-oxygen space masks to create a Bohr effect, providing immediate skin brightness and whitening with no painful and no recovery. Based on the principle of O2toderm facial, which uses electronic compression separation technology to generate a high concentration of pure oxygen and 3 million oxygen negative ions, combined with high-oxygen space masks, targeting oxygen therapy for the skin, reducing reactive oxygen species (ROS), improving skin respiration, repairing cell factors, revitalizing the skin, and enhancing skin immunity


  • 香港太子彌敦道健峰保險大廈



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